Japan Staffing Service Association
Message from the Chairman
Profile of JASSA
The JASSA Charter
Code of Practice
Articles of Incorporation
Operation of the Association / Organizational History
Activities of JASSA
Consultation with RENGO
A Glance at the Nation's Agency Workforce Staffing Services Statics
The Agency Work Law
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HOME > Profile of JASSA (Japan Staffing Services Association)
Profile of JASSA (Japan Staffing Services Association)
Since its foundation in 1986, the number of member companies of the Japan Staffing Services Association(JASSA) has steadily increased. Presently, 648companies (01/01/2017) throughout Japan are the members repersenting a great majorioty of industry.

Nihonseimei Shinbashi BLDG. 2F 1-18-16
Shinbashi Minato-Ku Tokyo 105-0004
Tel. + 81 3 6744 4130

Chairperson: Masamichi Mizuta
Vice-Chairperson: Kazuo Kozuki
Vice-Chairperson: Hideaki Kito

【Major areas of services】
1) Representing the industry to the Government and social partners
2) Consultation, Guidance, and assistance to the members in order to facilitate the sound development of the staffing service business; including the education and training of temporary employees asthose working in the industry.
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