Worker Dispatching Act / Social Security System

Social security system

Temporary agency workers, like full-time workers, are eligible to enroll in the following social security system. The main terms and conditions, and benefits are as follows.

System Conditions for membership Benefits
Employment insurance Enroll if you are contracted to work 20 hours or more per week and more than 31 days or more Unemployment insurance benefits, education and training benefits, re-employment benefits
Pension insurance Enroll if you are contracted to work 30 hours or more per week and more than 15 days or more per month (three-fourths or more than that of employees at the company), and more than 2 months Old-age pension benefits, disability pension benefits, survivors pension benefits
Health insurance Some short-term employees may be subjected to enrolment depending on working conditions. Eligible for medical care that is within health insurance plan if you pay 30% of the cost: Accident and sickness benefits, maternity benefits, etc.
Nursing care insurance Enroll if you are 65 or older, or enrolled in health insurance and age between 40 and 64 Nursing care service/facility benefits
Occupational accident insurance Enroll if you are working unless if you are an small business owner Medical treatment benefits, leave benefits, disability pension/lump-sum payment benefits, survivors benefits, injury benefits, nursing care benefits, etc.
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